Disposable items such as plastic bags, plastic cutlery and batteries are thrown away after a single use. This is a waste of resources and adds to our landfills. Manufacturing disposable products uses a large amount of fossil fuels, namely crude oil, for creation and transportation. Animals also mistake single use plastic as food and can choke or become fatally ill from toxins — such as BPA, flame retardants, and PVC — as well as from other chemicals it soaks up. If they’re not eaten, these plastic products can ensnare wildlife and end their lives by immobilizing or strangling them. Fish consume thousands of tons of plastic annually.

We should try to avoid buying and using disposable items if possible.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Use a refillable bottle instead of purchasing bottled water. Read why.
  • Bring your own bag, whether you’re shopping at the grocery store or the mall.
  • For your morning coffee, frequent a shop that either provides or lets you use a reusable mug.
  • Cloth napkins are ecological and classy!
  • You don’t have to go back to the strop and straight-edge, but get a reusable razor and just replace the blades. (or grow a beard!)
  • Fruits and vegetables come in their own natural wrap – don’t buy them wrapped in non-essential plastic.
  • Spend a little more to buy well-made, durable goods that last longer.
  • Take care of your belongings so they will last longer!