Join Us

Day: Meets 3rd Thursday of each month
Time: 7:00 pm

Check the team’s Facebook page for location, or reach out to one of the team chairs

Michelle Muryn

Cecilia Carman

Plastic Waste

Join the effort on projects and programs in our community that will bring about change while breaking the “plastic habit!” We are working to reduce the use of straws, plastic water bottles and plastic bags, the latter of which since 2013 through our BYOBag program.  The City of Woodstock now charges ten cents, so be sure to bring your own bag!  Congratulations on being a leader, Woodstock!

Food Waste

In addition to plastic, food waste is one of the largest contributors to our landfills and there is a better destination for this biodegradable material in the form of COMPOST. We are beginning the process of advocating for curbside programs and salute towns in McHenry County that provide curbside composting to their residents through their waste hauler contracts.