
Best Management Practices Talk and Tour: How To Successfully Manage Natural Landscaping

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Friday, July 22 — From 1 to 3 PM

Event is free & open to the public but limited to 30 people

Meet at Ted Spella Park in Algonquin

Infrastructure and landscaping that use native vegetation helps to manage stormwater and reduce flooding while also recharging groundwater, purifying water, providing habitat, and creating natural beauty.

The use of native vegetation and other forms of green infrastructure are powerful tools to improve resiliency of our communities. While landscaping with native vegetation is not rocket science, most conventional landscapers do not have the knowledge or skills to successfully install or maintain these systems. When properly implemented by qualified professionals, natural landscaping can also reduce annual operating costs over conventional landscaping and provide benefits for generations to come.

· Michele Zimmerman, Assistant Public Works Director for the Village of Algonquin, will showcase the natural landscaping systems and best management practices that have been successfully installed at Spella Park.  Michelle will also discuss how the Village uses contracts and performance standards to successfully implement projects throughout the Village. The examples will include detailed information demonstrating the economic benefits.

· The Village’s ecological contractor, Resource Environmental Solutions (RES), will provide technical guidance on how to properly establish and maintain natural landscaping. This is a great opportunity to learn directly from experts.

Join us to see firsthand how these incredible best management practices can be implemented in your communities! Bring your water bottle and be prepared to walk through the park.

Please register here for this Talk & Tour. This will help us plan refreshments for the event.

This is the fourth in the series of Friday Talks and Tours scheduled by the EDMC’s Water & Natural Resources Protection Action Team and the McHenry County Department of Planning and Development that showcase some of the exciting Best Management Practices (BMPs) being implemented in McHenry County.

Click here for the evolving schedule of planned Friday BMP Talks and Tours. There you will also find links to videos of the past sessions.

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